2023 OmegaNet Email Marketing Statistics
OmegaNet has done a study of the email marketing it conducted in 2023. Some of the email ad campaigns were done for OmegaNet itself, some for OmegaNet’s CAMEO EZ website clients and some for non-clients. Below is a report of the study, which attempts to quantify the effectiveness of email advertising.
OmegaNet began doing email marketing in 2007. The company offers its website clients email ad campaigns to the database of stores that it has been accumulating since 1997. The stores in the database come from several sources: registrations on OmegaNet’s portals, such as giftswholesale.com, decorwholesale.com, etc. (6 in all), registrations at CAMEOEZ.com, plus the registrations on CAMEO EZ client websites. Because their sites contribute to the database, CAMEO EZ website clients pay half the rate paid by non-website clients to send email campaigns to the entire database.

Many OmegaNet website clients also send email marketing directly to their registered customers.
OmegaNet does NOT buy email lists. All the stores in the database have voluntarily opted in to receive emails from OmegaNet.
Approximately 50,000 stores have opted-in to receive mass email campaigns from OmegaNet. These stores can be targeted based on as many as three store types and geographically by state. As an aside, The number of stores which have opted out is even greater and those stores could still be reached via direct mail, just not by email.
Stats from 2023 at a Glance:
- Number of email campaigns sent: 109.
- Total Number of emails sent: 2,208,983.
- Average Number of emails per campaign: 20,266.
- Average number of Unique Opens per campaign: 5,167 (26% open rate. 26% of the individuals receiving the campaign opened the email).
- Average Total Opens per campaign: 7,280 (40% of the Unique Opens – 2,067 – opened the email again).
- Average Unique Clicks per campaign: 72 Individuals Clicked (1.37% of Unique Opens).
- Average Total Clicks per campaign: 250 Clicks (Most email ads contain more than one link, so each recipient may click more than once).
- Average Registrations per campaign*: 6.
- Total Value of Orders Placed (67 CEZ client campaigns): $191,533.42
- Average Orders per campaign*: 4.
- Average Order amount: $626.33.
*Based on registrations and orders on CAMEO EZ wholesale sites, coming in within one week of the email ad being sent (peak opens are often a few days after the initial send). It is likely that not all registrations and/or orders during the week can be attributed to the email campaign, but we have not compared the data for the hundreds of registrations and orders to the specific email addresses which were sent.
Behind the Numbers
The 109 campaigns conducted in 2023 include 17 campaigns by non-CAMEO EZ website clients, 25 campaigns conducted by OmegaNet, such as the monthly Gift & Home Retailer newsletter and the semi-annual Virtual Trade Shows at GiftShowSpecials.com. OmegaNet has done 8 Virtual Trade Show campaigns twice a year for the winter and summer show seasons. The rest are OmegaNet CAMEO EZ website clients.
Note that the newsletter and Virtual Trade Shows are conducted to drive traffic to OmegaNet CAMEO EZ clients and not to benefit OmegaNet itself. OmegaNet does charge its clients for inclusion in these programs.
Diving Deeper
Several CAMEO EZ website clients and a couple of non-CAMEO EZ website clients had at least 6 or more campaigns during the year. Since advertising is more effective when repeated and/or accompanied with other marketing (how many times have you seen the same TV commercial?), we contrasted the success rates of those who conducted 6 or more campaigns with those who had 5 or less during the year.
Excluding the Gift & Home Retailer newsletter and the Virtual Trade Shows, there were 4 OmegaNet clients and 2 non-clients who had 6 or more campaigns during the year. There were 19 clients who had 5 or less campaigns in 2023 and 2 non-clients with 5 or less. Obviously, we do not have access to non-clients’ registration and order data, but we can compare the data for CAMEO EZ website clients. Also, not included in registration and order data are the results from CTA’s (calls-to-action) in the newsletter and the Virtual Trade Show campaigns.
6 or More Campaigns | 5 or Less Campaigns | |
Avg. emails sent/campaign | 19,413 | 13,195 |
Avg. Unique Opens/campaign | 4,994 | 3,683 |
Avg. Open Rate/campaign | 26.21% | 27.64% |
Registrations per Campaign | 8 | 4 |
Orders per Campaign | 7 | 3 |
Avg. Value per Order | $911.11 | $428.75 |
Avg. Num. Orders Times Avg. Value/campaign | $6,377.77 | $1,286.25 |
(The dollar figures immediately above are the average total of all orders per campaign for each category. Those with 6 or more campaigns received an average almost 5 times (4.958) the average dollar amount in orders of those with 5 or fewer campaigns. This is because of the greater number of orders and the greater value of each order.)
Those are the numbers. Here are the caveats:
- As stated above, we can’t be sure that all the registrations and orders came as a direct result of the blasts, but the difference in the numbers is significant.
- Those with 6-or-more campaigns had slightly lower open rates than those with less, but they also sent half again as many total emails, so the same open rate equals more total opens.
- The fact that those with 6+ campaigns sent almost 50% more emails per campaign than those who had 5 or less campaigns partially explains the difference between the registrations and orders for the two categories.
- The companies which did 6 or more campaigns may be more active in marketing generally in a variety of channels and that could have an additive effect on total responses. For example, one company which did more than 6 or more email campaigns also has a regular banner in the Gift & Home Retailer newsletter and has text/image links and banners in three of OmegaNet’s portals (GiftsWholesale.com, USMadeWholesale.com and AccessoriesWholesale.com).
We are pleased to see that the average Unique Open Rate for OmegaNet’s email advertising program is 26%. Considering that everyone receives a great deal of email, even if they have good spam protection, that is a better than respectable open rate. One factor is probably because OmegaNet has been sending these advertising emails since 2007, so the recipients regard them as reliable and wanted.
The difference in the average number and the average value of orders for those with 6 campaigns or more with those having fewer is stark. It should be self-evident that effective advertising cannot be “one and done” (again, how many times have you seen THAT TV commercial you hate?), but the numbers from our review of email campaigns in 2023 reinforce the importance of consistent, repeated marketing and advertising.
While the fact that the 6+ campaign senders sent to more addresses per campaign would itself predict a greater number of registrations and orders per campaign, the average number of sends was only 50% more, but the number of orders for those doing 6+ campaigns was 234% higher per campaign than for those doing fewer. Also, the value of each order was 212% ($911.11) of the orders placed with the 5-or-less campaign senders ($428.75). This could indicate that an exponential increase resulted from multiple sends.
The increase in number of orders and value of orders for those sending a higher number of blasts makes sense, because skeptical store buyers may be more likely to order from companies with which they are familiar because they have seen them multiple times and have dealt with before; kind of a “rich-get-richer” effect. Conversely, if stores are unfamiliar with a vendor, they may take a “wait-and-see” posture before committing to carry their lines.
For more information about OmegaNet’s marketing and advertising opportunities and packages, visit https://www.omeganetinc.net and click on “Services” > “B2B Marketing and Advertising.”